:: grateful for ::

november is native american heritage month and thanksgiving is just around the corner. although i am not native american, i am honduran-american. my mom and abuelita taught me to appreciate the indigenous people of honduras when i was growing up. our hallway had countless indigenous wall art from the many trips my family took to and from honduras.

because of my upbringing, i’ve had this natural appreciation for cultures. i fell in love with oahu and its culture when i was 8 years old, on my first trip to hawaii. so, the idea of celebrating the native americans here, on the mainland, doesn’t seem so far-fetched to me. the canadians do; so could we. 

i was highly impressed with canada, when i took a trip I took to vancouver & victoria back in 2004. aboriginal pride seemed to be celebrated everywhere i visited, and it was a beautiful scene to witness. although the images below are not my personal photographs, i had to round up a few pictures for you to get an idea of what i saw randomly on the streets of vancouver & victoria. 

i found it quite remarkable to see a totem pole standing tall in front of the parliament building in victoria and men carving totem poles live at the parks i visited. it would be nice to see the native american culture embraced here this way, outside of visiting neighboring indian casinos for fun & personal entertainment. 

for now, researching & attending the local pow pows, near or around my neighborhood, would be a great start in learning more about the native american culture. below are images showcasing their beautiful craftsmanship & artistry in design.

one of my favorite native american quotes comes from christal quintasket, also known as mourning dove.

it goes without saying that native american ideologies still echo in our society today:

          §  sustainability

           § eco-conscious

           §  organic living

           § holistic healers

           §  diy crafters

           § upcycling geniuses

           §  spiritual beings

           §  respectful of mother nature

….and for this, i’m truly grateful.

i have included images of native american recipes and two intriguing books that could be of interest for all those who love to cook and read about holistic healing through natural foods. 

*thanksgiving* is a time to be joyful, grateful and thankful for all the people in our lives, our loved ones...family & friends. but let’s not forget the world we live in day-to-day.

chief seattle said it best:

*we do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrowed it from our children.*

so, i leave you with the last set of images that are truly majestic. the beauty of mother earth is unreal in some of these images. i am truly grateful for her and thankful that i have been given the opportunity live in it all these years. for without her, i wouldn't be able to celebrate joyous days with my family and friends.

i hope you enjoy all the images i have collected into galleries for your wonder …each image is linked to its original source for your intriguing mind …just hover over the image to read the description & view the link.